Reading SML's

Learning Intention
We are learning to complete three literacy activities during reading.

Success Criteria
Work independently
Self Manage my tasks
Get my buddy to sign my reading activities

Student / Teacher Comment
I completed 3  activities.

Keep up the good focus Nicole and try some different activities during reading.

My Mihi

Learning Intention
We are learning to say our Mihi.

Success Criteria
Say who I am
Say where I come from.

Teacher Comments
Well done sharing your Mihi Nicole. Your next step is to say where you are from and use a big voice when speaking in front of the class.


Learning Intention
We are learning to write words we don't know by sounding them out.

Success Criteria::
Sound out the beginning blends
Sound out the end sounds
Sound out all the sounds you can hear.

Teacher's Comment
Keep sounding out all the sounds you can hear  Nicole.  Keep using the fast words and your dictionary to help you. Re read your writing to make sure it makes sense.
Easy Blog Photo


Learning Intention
We are learning to stamp, click and clap to the beat.

Success Criteria
Stamp in time with the group
Click our fingers in time
Follow actions

Teacher's Comment
 Well done stamping your feet in time and clicking your fingers Nicole. Your next step is to do all the actions quietly.
